3 Biggest Obstacles Blocking Your Commercial Photography Success

That most pet photographers don’t focus on.

Monday | July 22 | 11am EST
~Limited-time replay will be available 

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Does the idea of starting to offer commercial photography to brands both large and small excite you? 

Most photographers jump into the commercial world when a random inquiry ends up in their inbox - after some stressful back and forth they end up with their first commercial job.  But the stress is often just beginning - now you have to deliver great results! 

In this free training, we’ll be diving into the actions that will prepare you for being successful in the commercial photography space - actions that most photographers won’t take the time to focus on:

  • What it takes to turn a creative brief into a successful shoot.
  • How to create a commercial portfolio that converts.
  • How to build confidence to handle these high stress situations

This training is hosted by:

J. Nichole Smith

I am one of the OG pet photographers. I've been in the game since 2004 and was one of the very first pet photographers to teach other photographers how to grow a pet photography business- starting way back in 2008.

I have been shooting commercial pet photography for clients like Petco, Purina, Trupanion, Victoria Stilwell, CityDog Magazine, P.L.A.Y., 2 Hounds Design, the University of Washington (go Dawgs!) and of course a few of my own brands (#dogisgood) since 2005.

Oh, and did I mention, I have a Masters in Marketing? I literally wrote the book on how to build a sustainable pet brand. 

I have built multiple six-figure pet photography businesses in two states and two countries.  My name is J.Nichole Smith, but you can call me Nic…

Nicole Begley

You might know me from Hair of the Dog Academy, an education platform that helps pet photographers master their craft and build a private client photography business.   I’ve also been running my own photography business since 2010 and most recently created the Hair of the Dog Conservation Fund - a 501(c)3 non-profit entity whose mission is to protect our global biodiversity and inspire individual action by supporting conservation projects for wild animals and the surrounding communities.  

In running three businesses, I’ve learned a thing or two about managing details.  In short, I obsess over logistics, love to build businesses, and get especially geeked to help pet photographers build a life that they are passionate about.  


Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the often overlooked keys to commercial pet photography success in this free live training.


Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the often overlooked keys to commercial pet photography success in this free live training.